Camilla Rossi

Camilla Rossi
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Indoor Design  / Private Home

Illuminating an open space with original solutions? This is how

Posted On 24 March 2023

Open spaces have become a popular trendin modern homes.

And there are many reasons why.

First of all, this solution gives youmore space and light even in the smallest living contexts. Moreover,...

Restaurant and bar  / Lighting technology

Illuminating venues at the seaside, Karman lights up Maitó: discover the project

17 March 2023

The creation of the right atmosphere cannot be separated from a punctual and studied use of lighting, in the home but above all in public places. ArchitectMichele Vitaloni, head ofCharmitaliastudio

Outdoor Design  / Lighting technology

How to choose outdoor lighting: guide to the selection of products and materials

10 March 2023

Whether in private homes or contract contexts,the design of outdoor environments plays an essential role, especially for locations that aim for excellence, to amaze, and to make a style statement.


Lighting technology

A message from Q-Bic’s Architect - Best practices and trends for lighting in 2023

24 February 2023

Founded in 2005 by Luca Baldini (architect) and Marco Baldini (designer), the Q-Bic Studio deals with architecture, but also with graphics, design, and the setting up of temporary spaces, right up...

Indoor Design  / Lighting technology

Matching lighting with the furnishing style: mistakes to avoid

17 February 2023

Trends in the field of interior design are constantly changing. However,the main types of styles always remain evergreen,and it is essential that lighting professionals are very familiar with...

Indoor Design

How to illuminate an indoor staircase: 4 ideas by Karman

14 February 2023

Whether it isa private home or in contract contexts, indoors staircases act as important passage areasand connect the different floors of the house, hotel, or club.

Not only. An indoor staircase...

Lighting technology

Interview with the architect and designer: how to combine customer needs with the designer's creativity

10 February 2023

Dario De Meo is a designer and Luca De Bona an architect: together they form the design studioDebonademeowhich is active in various fields, from product design to interiors.

Their collaboration,...

Indoor Design

How to add light to a room without windows: 4 original ideas

7 February 2023

Managing a project that includes one or more rooms without windows isone of the most difficult tasks that an interior designer or architect can face.

Illuminating a dark environment and making it...

Outdoor Design  / Indoor Design

The 21 best lighting design software to choose from in 2023

3 February 2023

Being a lighting designer requires a mix of skills and competences in art and science and technique and aesthetics.

In fact, creating a lighting project goes far beyond the choice of lighting...

Indoor Design  / Private Home

Determining the ideal height for wall lamps: here are 5 methods

27 January 2023

Wall lamps representan extremely versatile lighting solution.

In fact, they can be used asa source of ambient lighting(i.e. general lighting),accent lighting(capable of highlighting...



Karman, an Italian company, was founded in 2005 in Fossombrone. The company's world moves itself with simplicity towards an original and personal decorative use of lighting in both private surroundings and public spaces.