Indoor Design  / Lighting technology

Tips for a minimal effect with wall lamps

Posted On 21 June 2024

Wall lamps are perfect for creating a minimal mood. Read this article to find out where and how to strategically position them in your project.

Wall lamps can be the ideal lighting solution if you want to develop a lighting design project that focuses on essentiality.

This type of lighting is functional but has a clean and sophisticated aesthetic. A wall lamp can transform any environment, adding a touch of elegance and modernity without overwhelming the space.

It can emphasize architectural details, create welcoming atmospheres, and improve the perception of spaces.

However, while installing these types of lights may seem like a simple solution, there are some variables to consider. Starting with the height of the wall lamp and its correct positioning.

This article aims to provide design professionals with useful advice and suggestions for creating a minimal effect with wall lamps.

In particular, we will take a look at:


Tips for a minimal effect with wall lamps: Movida


Where to place wall lamps

Before deciding where to install wall lamps, you should figure out what the function of the lighting is in the environment.

In home lighting design, as well as contract environments, wall lamps can be used for different purposes, for example, diffused lighting, or as a source of task or accent lighting, to complement other lighting fixtures present.

So, establishing the role of lighting within each area is essential to determine the exact positioning of the wall lamps.

This is, among other things, a decision that must be made upstream because it could impede the possibility of placing furniture or decorative elements where you plan to place the wall lamps.

For a minimal effect in the living room, a wall lamp can be placed above the couch to create welcoming and functional lighting.

In the bedroom, they can replace traditional lamps as a bedside table, freeing up space and offering ideal light for reading.

In corridors or along stairs, multiple wall lamps can guide the path and set the right atmosphere.


Tips for a minimal effect with wall lamps: Agua


How to find the right height for wall lamps

Closely related to what we have just seen is the choice of the wall lamp’s height.

From this point of view, it is essential to know the methods for determining the ideal height for wall lamps.

In general, wall lamps should never be installed at eye level, to prevent them from becoming a visual disturbance.
For this reason, the ideal height is usually between 190 and 220 cm and, in any case, not below 150-170 cm from the floor.

These are indicative values ​​calculated based on average parameters such as the height of the ceiling, estimated on average at 270 cm, or the height of 210 cm for the doors.

However, by virtue of what we said in the previous paragraph, it is about a general indication. The designer will have to evaluate on a case-by-case basis based on the lighting function and the type of environment.

We are referring to the light point, not the lampshade, which will be positioned immediately above the bedside table, or a wall lamp with the accent lighting function, which will be positioned at a strategic height concerning the object you want to enhance.


Tips for a minimal effect with wall lamps: Notredame


How to hide a wall lamp

When the effect you want to achieve is absolutely minimal, one of the questions that arises is how to hide a wall lamp. In these cases, the objective is to make light the protagonist, keeping the general appearance of the environment clean, essential, and modern.

Although widely used, LED strips or recessed spotlights are not the only possible solutions. For an immediate style statement, the designer could also opt for wall lamps with finishes that blend in with the color of the walls.

Cobu by Karman has a concrete casing that encloses a patinated metal heart from which a double light beam propagates. This lamp by designer Edmondo Testaguzza is chameleon-like. In fact, if painted in the color of the wall that supports it, it becomes camouflage and the effect is that of pure poetry capable of generating light.


Tips for a minimal effect with wall lamps


Minimal lighting with wall lamps

Minimal lighting is undoubtedly an elegant and functional design choice. The final result will obviously be different based on the type of wall lamp selected.

Karman offers lighting solutions capable of combining aesthetics and technology, designed with the declared intent to create modern, refined, and surprising environments.

Surprising even when the lighting fixture leaves room for pure light to enhance the beauty of living spaces with a minimal effect.



If you would like support or assistance on what type of wall lamps to select for your lighting design project, do not hesitate to contact us. We are at your complete disposal.

Camilla Rossi


Camilla Rossi



Karman, an Italian company, was founded in 2005 in Fossombrone. The company's world moves itself with simplicity towards an original and personal decorative use of lighting in both private surroundings and public spaces.